Help Untangle the Inner Knots


Awareness Practice App
Aware All Around of All Kinds of Things

Make surprising mental connections with this imaginative activity. Letters, numbers, and movements stimulate connective thinking. For all ages.


Awareness Practice Free Downloads
App Store
Mac App Store
Google Play
Microsoft Store
Windows 10


Mind Body Tool App
Mind Body Connection

Menu Choices:
1) Improve mental outlook
2) Do an affirmation
3) Journey through the sensations, emotions, chakras, or neurotransmitter functions
4) Practice Awareness Techniques

Mind Body Tool Free Downloads
App Store iOS
Mac App Store OS X
Google Play Android
Microsoft Store Windows 10


Inner Kung Fu Game App
Practice Emotional Versatility

This is not martial arts, but a directional awareness game.

Relax and respond to focused awareness at different places around your body. This app also comes with a simple, healthy, animated exercise routine you can follow.

Inner Kung Fu Game Free Downloads
App Store iOS / Apple TV
Mac App Store
Google Play Android
Microsoft Store Windows 10


Voice Affirmations App (called My Mantras on iOS)
Reinforce Good Ideas and Good Habits

Repeat thoughtful ideas to yourself so they benefit you more.

My Mantras (or Voice Affirmations) Free Downloads
App Store iOS (My Mantras)
Android (Voice Affirmations)


Body Mind Spirit Exercise
Friendly, Flowing, Knowing, Nourished, Balanced, & Grounded

Do simple exercises, guided by the computer, to be more 1) Friendly, 2) Flowing, 3) Knowing, 4) Nourished, 5) Balanced, or 6) Grounded. Each routine lasts between 2-12 minutes.

Body Mind Spirit Free Downloads
App Store iOS / AppleTV
Mac App Store OS X
Google Play Android
Microsoft Store Windows 10


Being Mindful
You Are Mindful of Yourself and Others

Start with mindful sitting. Then click the lower left button to choose mindfully lying down, standing, walking, or something more vigorous. When you want to, press the top right button to stay mindful doing all the activities. The key is to gently move the suggested body part to stay mindful.

Being Mindful Free Downloads
App Store
Mac App Store
Google Play
Microsoft Store
Windows 10


Privacy Policy

These apps do not collect any personal data.

(c) 2019 Mind Body Aware Games LLC